Ain't That What They Say
'Ain't That What They Say' is Shawn's sophomore solo album. Recorded & released in 2016, 'ATWTS' is an Acoustic - Contemporary Blues project with 12 SB original songs.
This album showcases some of the best guitar-work that SB has recorded to date. With the exception of 'No More Room For You', Shawn played multiple guitar parts on each track.
The album also features two guest performers - Brian Pitcher provided guitar and back-up vocals on track 7,'Come On Back', and the extremely talented Erin Sulley sang back-up vocals on tracks 3 and 8; 'Do You Think Of Me' and 'Close To You'.
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Released June 2016
Music & Lyrics Written By: Shawn Beresford
Recorded & Produced By: Shawn Beresford
Mixed & Mastered By: Scott Hammond

Call My Name
Shawn's debut solo album; 'Call My Name', is his biggest musical undertaking to date. Released on March 30th, 2011, 'CMN' is a Blue-Eyed Soul album featuring 12 SB original songs.
This album also features a boat-load of guest performers, as over half the album is delivered by a 16 piece band; instruments and vocals. along side Shawn's main band at the time, The Soulution.
Call My Name was also nominated for Music NL's 'Blues & Roots Album Of The Year' and Shawn was Nominated for Music NL's 'Songwriter Of The Year' for 'A Sweeter Thing'.
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Released March 2011
Music & Lyrics Written By: Shawn Beresford
Recorded By: John Boulos
Produced By: Chris Kirby & Shawn Beresford
Mixed By: Scott Hammond
Mastered By: JP LaPointe
MoJo is the debut ( & only ) album for Shawn Beresford & MoJo. It's a Contemporary Blues project that features 11 songs, 4 of them SB originals; 'Complicated Woman', 'Superfly', 'For Roger', and 'Close To You', which was Shawn's radio release.
Alongside the 4 SB originals, this album features covers from some of Shawn's biggest Blues influences; Albert Collins, BB King, Muddy Waters & more.
MoJo has also been featured on multiple radio shows, including 'The Blues Own' with Blaine Morrison and most noteably, 'The House Of Blues Radio Hour', with none other than Elwood Blues himself; Mr. Dan Aakroyd.
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Released June 2006
Original Music & Lyrics Written By: Shawn Beresford
Covers Arranged By: Shawn Beresford & MoJo
Recorded & Mixed By: Scott Hammond
Produced By: Shawn Beresford & MoJo
Mastered By: Noah Mintz